Tuesday, November 4, 2008

No End in Sight Documentary

If you have not watched this documentary, you really should. It really gives insight, from folks within the Bush administration, on how the Iraq war was rolled out and why they made the decisions they did. It is amazing.

Be sure to pass it on. With all the incorrect rhetoric I hear spouted these days, it's good to counteract the misinformation.

Watch the trailer.

Youtube has the documentary in its entirety for you to watch.

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Allan said...

He's almost gone but the damage will take a long time- if ever- to heal.

Still, last night rocked! Internet hug!

Romeo Morningwood said...

It will take another generation to undo this travesty...
from the getgo this was all about Oil and Revenge for Daddy (41).

I will find this Film and devour it.

Romeo Morningwood said...

Where you at?