Friday, November 21, 2008

Frontline - Heat

I missed the original airing of this Frontline episode, but watched it last night. A very interesting look at our energy consumption, global warming, and the politics of changing the US' investments in green energy.

Our legislators need to grow some backbone and set aside their popularity contests for the good of this nation and our planet.

Frontline's Heat - read and watch the episode

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1 comment:

Romeo Morningwood said...

I have no idea what I would do without Frontline?

Unfortunately PBS is starting to run infomercials disguised as programs so whatever it takes to preserve shows like Frontline and American Experience I'll do it.

When I watch educational programming it allows me to forgive myself for wasting time watching fluff and filler on the Networks.

Politicians are all about getting re-elected and it's their number one job the second that they get elected.