Friday, October 31, 2008

From the Mouths of Babes

This is the part that absolutely stuns me about this election - Bush has the lowest approval ratings of any President in history and you put someone like McCain and his voting record next to him, the public should know better than to vote for McCain. When will folks learn?

My nine year old son is studying civics in school right now. He brought home paperwork on the whole process from caucus/primaries to the inaugural ball. So we're discussing it all. He remembers our caucus as he attended with me. I had mentioned that Bush's popularity rating is down to 20%. Towards the end of our discussion, I am explaining to him how it is important to know politicians and their voting records to help gauge what their stances are, etc. I said that one of the things being discussed in our current campaign is that McCain's voting history is 90% similar to Bush's policies and stances. His face squinches up and he says to me, my NINE YEAR OLD, "I thought you said Bush is only liked by 20% of the people? How come so many are voting for McCain if they don't like Bush and McCain is so much like him?" My response was that I don't get it either.

Are you smarter than a 4th grader?

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Allan said...

I am smarter than 20% of fourth-graders 90% of the time.

Susannity said...

I have to help them with their homework and with how my brain is going, I probably will hit my limit when they're in 7th grade. =P