Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Man Punches Shark

First person that came to mind when I read the excerpt on this story was Donn over at HomoEscapeons (linked in Blogs I Dig). He and I share a love/fear relationship with sharks. =)

Man Punches Shark to Save Dog in Florida

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Romeo Morningwood said...

You got that right!
Jake is the Lenores' wittle baby so I can understand why Greg got medeival on that shark's ass..er head.

I have read dozens of detailed accounts where rescuers attempting to save shark attack victims NEVER get a scratch..even though in many cases the shark comes from underneath and keeps attacking it's original prey item.

Wouldn't you have done that if it was your baby? It depends on the species I suppose..

if the attacking shark was a White, Tiger, or Bull, I'd say see ya Jake and could easily outswim Michael Phelps to shore!

Susannity said...

I'm afraid if it was my dog, I would have to get another dog. If it was my child, that would be another story. =) I wonder if peeing in your pants is a deterent to sharks?