Friday, August 29, 2008

Palin? Who?

I've never even heard of McCain's choice for VP. I'm reading some of the early reports on her and it appears she is very new to politics. Mayor of an Alaskan town of 6500 people? Governor of Alaska for less than 2 years? And I know the media needs to do some muckraking, but how does someone who has hardly any political life already have scandal?

I'm not sure what McCain is thinking. Does he think a 44 year old woman will somehow bring Clinton or Dem or swing votes in? Apparently she is conservative on her social stances and that actually helps McCain with the fundies who only vote on those issues. But with all the hullabaloo that Obama is too young and inexperienced to be the President, a younger less-experienced VP for the oldest president ever (if McCain wins) is a good idea?

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Anonymous said...

I had planned to vote for McCain because I think Obama is too inexperienced. I was none too happy to see his choice for vice president. I don't understand why he chose someone so inexperienced. I like the Joe Biden pick. If McCain were younger, I wouldn't care, but now I am a bit nervous to give him my vote with his choice.

Susannity said...

Even putting VP pick aside Rebekah, McCain's stance on issues is not what they were a decade ago. I think too many remember that McCain and not the fact that his stances are virtually identical to Bush's. I think this country will be tanking economically even more than we already are if we continue this path another 4 years.

Allan said...

McCain was demonstrating what a "free-thinking independent maverick" he is by capitulating to the extremist Jesus freaks he once called "agents of intolerance"- the scary thing is that it's working.

Romeo Morningwood said...

This is proof positive that your political system is completely fercockt!

Hopefully she will be the first Female Republican Vice Presidential Candidate to spontaneously combust during a live nationally televised event.
That would be cool.

Do you realise that theoretically, Caribou Barbie could be President by December?

She just might end up making Dubya look like Abraham Lincoln!

Susannity said...

These are scary times. Just when you think the rabbit hole can't possibly go any deeper...